A Home for Every Horse’s Equine Comeback Challenge at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show – Press Release

October 22, 2014  Mariah Hammerschmidt mhammerschmidt@aimmedia.com (303)625-5468  Boulder, Colo. – A Home for Every Horse’s Equine Comeback Challenge pulled on many heart strings on October 14, 2014 at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show with 10 rescue horses showcasing their ability to defy all odds and become willing equine partners. Todd Feaser walked away from the Equine […]

Lessons Only a Rescue Horse Can Teach

Bryanna Braddock came to Horse Protection Association of Florida to volunteer in 2012 at the age of 13. She was and still is a quiet young lady, extremely polite and mature for her age. She is home schooled and began coming to the farm to volunteer one morning a week. She had her own horses […]