May 14, 2012–The story of the latest horse rescued through A Home for Every Horse on has more heroes than Marvel Comics. And a nasty villain.

The villain dumped Holliday the horse at Summerwinds Stables horse rescue in Hartly, Delaware, whose manager, hero Elena DiSilvestro, quickly learned that the 11-year-old paint was infested with eye tumors. She alerted the villain, who responded “I don’t really care. Keep him. If you send him back I’ll just kill him.”
DiSilvestro sent out the alarm through her network of supporters of Summerwinds, home to 36 rescue horses. An anonymous hero paid $3,000 for Holliday’s eye surgery.
DiSilvestro and her crew nursed Holliday back to health, realized his “bombproof” nature, and began using him in Summerwinds’ youth program, which welcomes kids from all walks of life, especially the tougher ones. “These kids are just so thankful to be outside, working with our horses,” said DiSilvestro.
One tween, Sammy Jackman, saved up, and for $100–almost the cost of an “Avengers” movie ticket-popcorn-soft drink-pack – sponsored Holliday for the summer.
Holliday the hero rescued Sammy from the evil clutches of puberty. He taught her some of life’s most importance lessons: Confidence. Patience. And how to properly pick a hoof.
The two triumphed as Batman & Batman during the farm’s costume show (photo available).
DiSilvestro realized this special horse was ready for his new home. But she needed a force of good to intervene. It turned out to be A Home for Every Horse on
The program, sponsored by companies including Tractor Supply Company, Purina Mills and Weatherbeeta USA, is a collaboration between The Equine Network, the nation’s largest publisher of equine-related content, and The American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition which seeks to place, foster and sponsor America’s 170,000 unwanted horses. Nonprofit rescue organizations can post free listings on, the industry’s largest website for buying and selling horses, trailers and farms. The Equine Network is using its connection with more than 1.5 million horse owners each month to promote the program.
Within a month, Holliday found a family of heroes who were eager to love him (and pay for any future eye surgery). “They’re just ten minutes down the road but we didn’t know one another. Our circles never collided,” said DiSilvestro. “It took A Home for Every Horse to bring us together.”
A Home for Every Horse might not be Thor’s hammer or Ironman’s suit, but it’s pretty powerful. “It’s just what we needed,” says DiSilvestro.