Good things DO come in big packages! Especially when that package is a Belgian mare named Keystone, who was adopted by Tom Theodore on Oct. 18 through A Home for Every Horse on

“We were looking for a horse and came upon Keystone on the [A Home For Every Horse] website,” says the Tiro, Ohio, resident. “We contacted the Ashtabulah County (Ohio) Humane Society to express our interest in seeing her. We made an appointment and drove three hours to see her. We fell in love with her, and the rest is history.”

Keystone. | Photo courtesy of Tom Theodore

At the Humane Society, Theodore learned a little about Keystone’s background. The 8-year-old mare had been underweight when rescued and was treated for sand colic, he says. Unfortunately, an earlier attempt at adoption had backfired. “She had gone to another home but didn’t do well with one of the horses (a mare) there, so she was returned,” he explains.

But all that is in the past. When they found Keystone, Theodore and his wife were returning to horse ownership after some time off. In fact, she’d owned a Percheron, so draft horses were right up their alley.

They couldn’t be happier with the big chestnut beauty. “She is a wonderful horse,” Theodore enthuses. “Very sweet and gentle, and our 6-year-old niece has even been up on her and led around without any problems. We also have a Quarter Horse gelding named Sunny that shares the pasture with her ? they get along great and have been on trail rides together. She both leads and follows very well.”??Keystone is currently being trail ridden and is doing a “wonderful” job of adapting to new situations, terrain and obstacles. “She does not spook and is very quick to learn,” her new owner says. “Her ground manners are also wonderful, which speaks highly of the staff that worked with her at the Ashtabulah Humane Society.”

At this writing, the Theodores are having a harness made for Keystone, so she can learn to pull a cart, too.??Meanwhile, the gentle giant is making friends with another huge creature. “Keystone has become attached to one of our English Mastiffs,” Theodore explains. “When we let the dogs out, Keystone will come running to the fence and snort until the female (Marley) goes over to her and touches noses with her; then she goes back to grazing.”

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