Feeding ‘Hot’ Horses

Credit to Purina Treat each horse as an individual when creating a feeding plan. | iStock Q:I have a young jumper who generally has a lot of energy. He is in a consistent training program and shows frequently, so he has significant energy needs that must be met through his diet. How can I make sure […]

Refeeding a Malnourished Horse to Excellent Health

Credit to Purina With quality veterinary care and a proper nutrition plan, you can successfully bring malnourished horses back to good health, allowing them to enjoy a promising future. Use these tips to avoid refeeding complications and to create the best nutrition plan for underweight horses.   Malnourished horses need proper care Starved horses can be […]

Optimizing Your Horse’s Feeding Program

Credit to Purina Calculate the cost of feed per pound to find the best value. | iStock Q.With the increasing cost of feed, I’ve started to look for more cost-effective ways to feed my horses. What are some ways I can help make my feed last longer and maybe even decrease my feed bill? A.Great question, […]

Gastric Health: The Key to Your Horse’s Best Self

Credit to Purina Did you know that the prevalence of gastric discomfort in active horses is high? Studies indicate that the prevalence of gastric ulcers in performance horses is 90% or more1.Gastric discomfort may negatively affect a horse’s health, attitude and performance. Fortunately, recognizing signs of discomfort and providing proper management can help support your horse’s […]

Nutrition for Improved Hoof Health in Horses

Credit to Purina If your horses have poor hoof quality, consider making changes to their diet to help strengthen their hooves. If your horse has poor hoof quality, evaluate his nutrition program to ensure his dietary needs are being met. | iStock Q.My gelding has always had “bad” feet. Despite my farrier’s and my best […]

Feeding Off-Track Thoroughbreds

Credit: Purina Animal Nutrition  The base of your OTTB’s diet should be forage to reduce digestive disturbances during the transition to a new diet. | iStock Q.I am a first-time OTTB owner and recently purchased my horse directly from the racetrack. She is going to let down over the winter before I start riding her […]

Should I Add Salt to My Horse’s Diet?

Credit to Purina Animal Nutrition  A salt block allows your horse to have free-choice access, but there is no way to monitor their exact intake. | iStock Q:I feed my recreational horses a ration balancer per the manufacturer’s instructions, along with iodized salt and alfalfa. Is it still necessary to top dress with salt? Why or why […]

How to Keep Horses Cool in Hot Weather

Credit to Purina As summer drags on, heat can become a serious problem for many horses.Sweating is the primary way horses cool themselves. Experts believe that prolonged, consistently high sweat rates can lead to “exhaustion” of the sweat glands. In horses, this may result in anhidrosis, or the inability to produce sweat adequately. It is […]

Creating the Right Diet for Your Horse

Credit to The Horse Your horse’s nutritional requirements depend on his life stage and individual needs    Base forage selection on the type necessary to meet nutrient requirements. For a mature idle horse, this is typically an early to late-head grass hay. | iStock All horses need the same essential nutrients—water for cellular, tissue, and […]

Feeding Metabolic Horses: Risky Business or Simple Solutions

The diagnosis of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) has come a long way. Credit to: Purina Animal Nutrition But even with recent advances and increased scientific interest in EMS, the disease can still be difficult to pinpoint, leaving horse owners frustrated with how to manage a horse with this condition. In many cases, horses suffer acute […]