December 8, 2014
Mariah Hammerschmidt
(303) 625-5468
Boulder, Colo. – A Home for Every Horse is excited to announce their third Equine Comeback Challenge is to be held at on March, 14, 2015, at the2015 Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver, Colorado. A Home for Every Horse has paired 10 trainers with 10 horses for 90 days of training in preparation for a one-of-a-kind competition. The trainers, who started working with their horses in mid-December, will compete in a versatility trail class. Following the course, each will have an additional two minutes to showcase, in freestyle form, the training they’ve accomplished with their horses. Following the Challenge event, the horses will be sold privately, by the trainer, to approved homes, and each will be listed as available rescue horses on Equine.com.
The 10 trainers, including Susan Shields, Misty Arellano, Danny Benedict, Alisha Cottingham, Jessica Hutsell, Kim Leonard, Byron Light, Alex Schoen, and Brittnee Woodward, will provide the means for the 10 rescue horses—which were all previously listed as unwanted—to showcase their abilities.
The 10 rescue horses were provided by these regional rescues; Colorado Horse Rescue Network in partnership with Ruby Ranch Horse Rescue and Spring Creek Horse Rescue, Triple Acres Horse Rescue, Far View Horse Rescue, Mountain View Horse Rescue, CANTER Colorado and Shiloh Acres Horse Rescue. Rescues all over the country have adoptable horses just like those that will be participating in the Challenge event.
The Colorado Horse Council, Inc. is a grassroots, all-breed, non-discipline-specific organization dedicated to linking the horse owners and the horse industry of Colorado into a powerful, united voice to protect their common equine interests through legislation and education. The Rocky Mountain Horse Expo provides the ideal stage for the Equine Comeback Challenge in Colorado.
A Home for Every Horse was founded in 2011 as a way for Equine.com—the World’s Largest Equine Marketplace—to develop a lasting partnership with equine rescues all over the country and use their resources to help find forever homes for more than 170,000 unwanted horses. At the beginning of 2014, Mariah Hammerschmidt, the project coordinator for A Home for Every Horse, realized there was a growing need to assist rescue organizations in their efforts.
“Rescue horses needed a platform and a knowledgeable partner to show the world what they are capable of,” said Hammerschmidt. “With a competition like the Equine Comeback Challenge, rescue horses are given that much-needed opportunity to showcase their abilities and potential. Ninety days of training is all many of these horses need to find their forever home.”
In 2014, A Home for Every Horse successfully held two Equine Comeback Challenges—one in the Rocky Mountain region and one on the East Coast. In 2015, at A Home for Every Horse’s Rocky Mountain Equine Comeback Challenge, A Home for Every Horse will introduce two new twists to the challenge: Kim Leonard and Tate Welch will be participating in the challenge as exhibition competitors. Kim will be working with Doit’s Cat, off-the-track Thoroughbred from CANTER Colorado and Tate will be working with a pony from Mountain Valley Horse Rescue.
A Home for Every Horse’s generous partners are on board to help with A Home for Every Horse’s Rocky Mountain Equine Comeback Challenge in a big way; Purina delivered four bags of grain to each trainer to help the horses achieve optimum performance condition, and Zoetis will be providing Zoetis Strongid Paste to each trainer for their 90 day training period. Zoetis and WeatherBeeta will both be providing donations to the forever home each horse finds after the competition. Tractor Supply Company has provided gift cards and is the official is the go-to one-stop shop for all of your equipment needs during the Equine Comeback Challenge. The Unwanted Horse Coalition helps A Home for Every Horse maintain a relationship with equine rescues all over the country.
Equine.com and the Active Interest Media Equine Network have joined forces with the American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition to launch A Home for Every Horse Project. If you want more information on rescue horses or you want to locate a rescue near you, please check out AHomeforEveryHorse.com.
This project helps find homes for America’s 170,000 to 200,000 horses in need of care and shelter. Here’s how it works: Begin the search for your next equine partner at Equine.com. You can search horses waiting for homes at nonprofit shelters across the country. Browse by rescue horse, or find a rescue organization in your area.
· Visit the site’s “services” section to learn about your local rescue organizations. Find out how you can volunteer, donate, or simply spread the word.
· Look for upcoming stories on AHomeforEveryHorse.com related to horse rescue.
If your 501(c)(3) rescue organization would like to join the A Home for Every Horse project please fill out the online application at AHomeforEveryHorse.com/join. Equine.com is part of the Active Interest Media Equine Network.
About the Equine Network
The Equine Network provides, creates, and distributes relevant content and services to passionate horse enthusiasts while connecting them to each other and the marketplace. The Equine Network is the publisher of award-winning magazines: Horse&Rider, EQUUS, Dressage Today, The Trail Rider, Spin to Win Rodeo, American Cowboy, and Practical Horseman. The Equine Network also publishes a proprietary line of books and DVDs for sale through its store, HorseBooksEtc.com. The Equine Network also provides emergency roadside assistance through USRider, and is home to several websites including: EquiSearch.com, Equine.com, MyHorseDaily.com, DiscoverHorses.com, AmericanCowboy.com, and Horse-Journal.com.