October 8, 2014
Mariah Hammerschmidt
Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines Recognized at Dressage at Devon
Boulder, Colo. Ryerss Farm for aged Equines was recognized by the organization A Home for Every Horse at the prestigious Dressage at Devon. Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines of Pottstown, Pennsylvania is the oldest non-profit horse sanctuary, serving aged, abused or injured horses.
The internationally-known dressage competition, held at the Devon Horse Show Grounds in Devon, Pennsylvania, was the stage for the Sept. 27 event to honor the equine sanctuary.
As part of the recognition of the compassionate work done by the Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines (; the sponsors of A Home for Every Horse presented the sanctuary with some horse-care gifts to take back to the rescue. Including; a new WeatherBeeta blanket, coupons for Purina horse feed, twenty four tubes of Zoetis Strongid paste and a $50 Tractor Supply Gift Card.
Gail Morris, secretary for the sanctuary, said the staff was delighted and said that the gifts were greatly appreciated.
“Thank you so much for all the items you have given us. Everything is needed and used!” Morris said. “The coupons for the Purina free bags of food are especially important to us as we are feeding 80 senior horses daily and you can imagine how much grain we use! We use the coupons to get Senior Feed as our horses are, for the most part, past the age of 20. The $50 gift certificate to Tractor Supply will also come in very hand for us as we are always purchasing supplies from that company. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate what you have done for us. When the last envelope of Purina coupons arrived, everyone cheered.”
The Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines was founded in 1888; the sanctuary currently provides care and shelter for more than 75 retired and rescued horses. Located on 383 beautiful acres of rolling hills in southeastern Pennsylvania, Ryerss provides a wonderful facility where horses can live out their golden years in comfort and dignity. More than one thousand horses and ponies have lived in the care of the Ryerss Organization since its humble beginnings in the city of Philadelphia where police, fire, and milk wagon horses found shelter and a well-earned retirement there in the late 1800s. The current location in South Coventry and Warwick Townships is open to the public daily from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
If you want more information on rescue horses or you want to locate a rescue near you, please check out and the Active Interest Media Equine Network have joined forces with the American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition to launch A Home for Every Horse Project.
This project helps find homes for America’s 170,000 to 200,000 horses in need of care and shelter.Here’s how it works:• Begin the search for your next equine partner You can search horses waiting for homes at nonprofit shelters across the country. Browse by rescue horse, or find rescue organizations in your area.
• Visit the site’s “Services” section to learn about your local rescue organizations. Find out how you can volunteer, donate, or simply spread the word.
• Look for upcoming stories on related to horse rescue.
If your 501(c)(3) rescue organization would like to join the Home For Every Horse Project, call (866) 467-7323, ext. 100. is a part of Active Interest Media Equine Network.
About The Equine Network: The Equine Network provides, creates and distributes relevant content and services to passionate horse enthusiasts while connecting them to each other and the marketplace. The Equine Network is the publisher of award-winning magazines Horse&Rider, EQUUS, Dressage Today, The Trail Rider, Spin To Win Rodeo, American Cowboy,and Practical Horseman. The Equine Network also publishes a proprietary line of books and DVDs for sale through its store, The Equine Network provides emergency roadside assistance for equestrians through USRider, and is home to several websites, including:,,,,, and