November 26th, 2018
Horsemen’s Laboratory,
John Byrd D.V.M.
Tel: 217-586-2004
Photos are available on request.
Media Contact:
Tel 607-434-4470
John Byrd D.V.M. of Horsemen’s Laboratory is on call to answer questions you didn’t know you needed to ask about internal equine parasites. With over 75,000 equine fecal worm egg count samples processed at his laboratory from horses across the U.S.A. and Canada, and a practicing veterinarian with a background in top performance horses, Dr. Byrd brings a wealth of advice on everything ‘internal equine parasitology.’
“People were amazed at the things Dr. Byrd told us during his recent clinic at our barn. His presentation was so informative and opened up everyone’s eyes. Highly educational,” stated Donna Robinson of Grazeland Ranch, Manhattan, Illinois.
Robinson, owner of Grazeland Ranch, a 40 acre boarding and training facility located just South of Chicago, is just one of many horse owners that are reaching out to educate their clientele about the benefits of following a targeted horse worm control program as an important part of their horse’s medical welfare. The internal equine parasites that any horse harbors can cause health issues for both itself and its pasture mates, and contaminated grazing lands can quickly become host to a high population of the various worms that affect the equine if your targeted worm control program is not on track.
“The 40 year-old protocol of a blind random deworming program every 6-8 weeks, is not a sustainable method for parasite treatment. The F.E.C.T. (fecal egg count test) will indicate which horses are high shedders, medium or low shedders of parasite eggs and the F.E.C.R.T. will tell you if you have a dewormer resistant worm population in your horse. The knowledge of how to proceed with an efficient treatment program in regard to which products to use for efficacy, when to retest, and how to interpret the results of the tests, are all important components of a modern day evidence based equine worm control program,” said Dr. Byrd.
“Dr. Byrd presented us with a lot of valuable information. Folks were still asking him questions right up to the minute he was leaving and Dr. Byrd was very helpful in giving people suggestions for their individual horse’s situation. I plan to invite him back again in the Spring, so we can address a larger audience. This is important stuff,” said Robinson
If you would like to book equine parasitology specialist, Dr. John Byrd, for a presentation, please contact him through his website or give him a call at 800 544 0599.
If you aren’t already, it’s time to get with the modern day equine parasitology program and find out the answers to questions you didn’t know you needed to ask.
About Horsemen’s Laboratory: Established in 1993 by John Byrd D.V.M., an experienced lifelong horseman and a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. As an equine medicine practitioner in California for 13 years, Dr. Byrd served as ex-officio member of the board of directors of the Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Racing Association where he also served as the organization’s official sales veterinarian. In addition, Dr. Byrd frequently officiated, as veterinarian for horse shows sponsored by the management of Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California. Dr. Byrd’s extensive experience with horses led him to observe how a horse’s health could impact performance leading to the founding of the specialist lab for equine fecal worm egg counts. Please visit to find out more about F.E.C.T. services available directly to the horse owner including; advice on equine fecal egg count testing; quick and easy purchase of test kits online; reporting and expert consultation services. Dr. Byrd enjoys sharing his wealth of knowledge of equine parasitology with horse owners from all walks of life, and is available to provide lectures/symposiums for your club, organization or event. Please contact Dr. Byrd via his website for rates and further information.