Volunteer Story submitted by DoubleHP Horse Help Provider

Shauntae is a volunteer/intern here through our Governor’s Office / Dept. of Labor program called Career Launch. High School students can intern at places that relate to their career interests. Shauntae has an interest in being a “farm vet,” so she interns here. Here are photos of Shauntae with some of our rescued horses. The first 2 with Butterscotch, who was rescued from starvation as a weanling. And the others with HotShot. 

Rescue Volunteer Shauntae and Butterscotch
Rescue Volunteer Shauntae and HotShot

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About Hope Legacy Equine Rescue

Hope’s Legacy Equine Rescue was founded in 2008 when we took in our first donkey. Since then they have taken in over 450 horses, ponies, mules, and donkeys.

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