Levi is 31 years old and grew up in Cedar Fort, Utah and has deep roots there. He now lives in Mona, Utah. Levi works at National Vinyl Products as their production manager and trains horses on the side. He has ridden horses his whole life and learned how to rope off a horse at the age of five. Levi did High School rodeo for four years and being the youngest of five, has never had to start a colt for himself until he was twenty one.
Levi bought a two year old filly from a man named Dave Busk, who had a really nice stud that threw exceptional colts that were usually very big. Thinking he knew a lot about horses, he really didn’t know anything about starting colts. So Levi started studying Clinton Anderson which was a good start and Levi felt like he could get a lot done with a colt. Then he started studying about every famous trainer out there. Oddly enough, Levi ended up competing against a man named Bill Boswell. He noticed he approached horses different than anyone he had ever seen. His style of horsemanship filled in a lot of the missing pieces to the horse training puzzle. Levi now has ten years under his belt starting colts and fixing problem horses.
Levi created a program that he calls The Five Methods of Precision Horsemanship. So far it has been proven a successful basic method for training. Granted, every horse is different so the trainer will have to adjust and adapt to the needs of the horse. What Levi really likes about the Bill Boswell style is it helped him really understand and develop a whole new appreciation for the horse.
Levi feels that he would be a good candidate for the Equine Comeback Challenge because he really has a true love for the horse. He strives to do what Bill does and that is helping educate people how to really understand horses, for the best interest for the horse. He always try to learn more and become better; always looking for a horse that is deemed unbreakable or wild or crazy. Then when he gets the opportunity to work with them he teaches the horse, but usually he is the one who learns the most from the experience. Levi is looking to share the same opportunity with these rescued horses. If he can help get these horses out of the rescue and into new homes the horse wins, during the process he gets to learn more and gain experience, therefore creating a “win win” situation.
Five Star Horses Facebook

Xena is a 12 year old American Quarter Horse grey mare from Colorado Horse Rescue Network, with her top side great grand sire being the all time AQHA Two Eyed Jack.
Colorado Horse Rescue Network Facebook