Story submitted by Far View Horse Rescue 

It is not uncommon to look at the north-east pasture and see two young blue roans tearing down the fence-line, hooves kicking up clouds of snow, manes flying back to show fuzzy white freeze brands. Domino and Cosmo came to us within the span of a month: both originally from the Canyon City BLM yet passing through at different times. Despite coming from different circumstances and a slight age difference, both come from the Piceance Herd, East Douglas. wild horse herd. Cosmo had already begun to settle in at the rescue for several months when Domino arrived. Immediately there was a kind of connection, a recognition between the two. Perhaps they were from the same original band, perhaps related, or their paths had crossed previously. Or perhaps they recognized a similar soul who had traveled the same challenging journey from the wild to captivity. Or perhaps it was some deeper, more ancient recognition, of a soul who was born on the same sacred ground as generations of mustangs before them. Regardless, the bond between these two was immediate, unyielding, and quite frankly magical. The bond between these two young horses has only continued to blossom and strengthen as they have begun their training at the rescue. Unlike some horses they have not become herd-bound or inseparable. They do not depend on the other to the point of distraction or disability. They work as a team when they are together (trying to catch one of them can become quite an amusing game…to them) however they each thrive in their independence during their individualized training or general time apart. If horses have soul mates, these two would be each other’s. These two will stay at the rescue for their initial training, however when the time comes for them to move on to their forever home, we hope to find a home for them together where their souls can continue this journey together. Some souls just belong together.


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